Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Have u ever hear of a slum well if u never have there like landfill's but for really poor people.it From what i read it looks really but to live in a place with your own trash and lots of mud.What i have in my thesis paper that i got in class a few weeks ago it look like a damp.The first thing i have in of my three main problems of these damps is where do they get there water and if they do is it clean for them to drink it.My next thing is do they have games which i think they don't cause there can be alot of people in one little place it going to be hard for those kids to move around and play.my last one is how many people are there in those slums there can thousands or even  millions of people living in those slums

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

have u ever hear about slums, well there super dirty places around the earth that look like a dump or landfill it's really nasty and my support from what i read from with my source base book thing is health problems and money too but the most about important thing is many of the country's that have slums don't know how many people live there,i want to know more about how they live how they make there money how they are able  to smell that really bad trash smell which i think they have and most important what do they do for fun do they play soccer or football or rugby and baseball and do kids there have schools where they can go to learn and the most important one for me is how they got there were they living somewhere worst or where they kicked out or they had no money to help out to feed there familys

Thesis Statement and Outline

I.         Introduction
A.     Hook
B.     Introduce to the reader to what a slum is
C.     Thesis statement
D.    Transition to first paragraph
II.         Defendable Point #1
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to the next paragraph
III.         Defendable Point #2
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to next paragraph
IV.         Defendable Point #3
A.     Main idea (Topic Sentence)
B.     Supporting evidence
                                      i.     Quote
                                     ii.     Paraphrase
C.     Explanation
D.    Transition sentence to conclusion paragraph
V.         Conclusion
A.     Hook
B.     Restate thesis
C.     Summarize arguments
D.    Leave the reader with something to think about

Thesis Statement and Outline