Wednesday, October 19, 2011

have u ever hear about slums, well there super dirty places around the earth that look like a dump or landfill it's really nasty and my support from what i read from with my source base book thing is health problems and money too but the most about important thing is many of the country's that have slums don't know how many people live there,i want to know more about how they live how they make there money how they are able  to smell that really bad trash smell which i think they have and most important what do they do for fun do they play soccer or football or rugby and baseball and do kids there have schools where they can go to learn and the most important one for me is how they got there were they living somewhere worst or where they kicked out or they had no money to help out to feed there familys

1 comment:

  1. Joey- Here is what you need to work on.
    1. I gave you the outline format, so you should have typed your outline into each spot.
    2. Your outline is one paragraph... and one sentence. This is a problem.
    3. You did not capitalize any words.
    4. There should not be any questions in your outline.
    5. This paper must be in the "third person" point of view. This means that you cannot use the words: I, we, us, me, my, and you.

    Please see me for more help.

    -Ms. Jaeger
